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Welcoming Address by the LDSN President on International Day of the African Child: "Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now"

27th June 2024

Good Morning distinguished guests, honored Educators, esteemed Government officials, and most importantly, our beloved children!

It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you all to this important event marking the commemoration of the International Day of the African Child and creating more awareness of those in the Albinism Community. This year's theme is Education for All Children in Africa: The Time is Now, and I cannot think of a more vital subject for us to discuss and work towards.

As we gather here today, we are reminded of the immense potential that lies within every one of Africa's children.

Education is the bedrock of this potential. It is the key that unlocks doors of opportunity, enabling children to reach their full potential, contribute to the development of our Society, and achieve their dreams.

Today, we'll not only commemorate a day, but we also commit. A commitment to ensuring that every child in Africa receives the quality education they deserve, regardless of their background or circumstance.

Together, we can create a future where every child in Africa has access to quality Education and where the dream of an Educated, empowered, and united continent becomes a reality.

Of course, our commitment to providing Education to all African children "must" include those with disabilities. The rights of children with disabilities are human rights, and they deserve equal opportunities for Education, just like any other child.

When children with disabilities receive an inclusive and quality Education, not only do they become empowered individuals who can contribute to Society, but they also become agents of change. They become role models for others, showing that disability is not a limitation, but rather a source of strength and diversity.
So let us remember that Education for all in Africa means Education for ALL children in Africa, including those with disabilities and special needs.

Together we can achieve this!

Thank you for coming and God bless you.

Imaobong Onuk
Founder/President LDSN

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